Cheese is one of the most nutritious foods. It's typically made of cow's milk but also of other mammals, such as sheep, goats, buffalo, reindeer, camels, and yaks. Around 4000 years ago people started to breed animals and process their milk, and that's when cheese happened.
Embark on a cheese adventure by exploring our database of 2046 different types of cheese. Try our recipes. Buy cheese gifts and make someone happy.
Find the best artisan cheeses, from Cheddar and Blue to Parmesan or goat's cheeses. Discover where to buy a melting Vacherin Mont d'Or, an aged Comté, or a fresh Fior di Latte through our Retailers Directory.
Did you know?
Tyrosemiophilia is a passionate hobby of collecting cheese labels. The word comes from ancient Greek: tyro means cheese, semio means sign, and philia means love.
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