Danbo (also known as "King Christian"), produced by Mammen Mejeri, is a matured, semi-soft, aged Danish cheese made from cow's milk. A smear-ripened and washed-rind cheese is one of Denmark’s most popular cheeses. The colour of the cheese is ivory to light yellow with a soft and slightly springy texture. The elasticity and firmness of the cheese allow for easy cutting. It has small, round eyes about 10mm in diameter that may be less prominent in variants where flavourings are used.
The smell of Danbo is mild, slightly acidic, and aromatic due to smear ripening. Its unique taste and texture are achieved after maturing for about 3-4 weeks. The fat percent in Danbo varies from 15 to 45%.
It is a rectangular cheese with a smooth, dry rind, and sometimes it is covered in red wax. Flavourings such as caraway seeds add a new dimension to the taste of Danbo. When caraway seeds are added to the cheese, it is known as "King Christian" cheese, named after King Christian IX, who ruled Denmark during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
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