Why Cottage Cheese Deserves a Spot in Your Fridge

While many cheese varieties are made from cow, goat, sheep, and camel milk, cottage cheese is essentially made from the curd and cream of pasteurized or unpasteurized cow's milk. Compared to most cheeses, cottage cheese isn't aged and can directly be eaten fresh & cold.
Though cottage cheese isn't as popular as cheddar or mozzarella, what makes this variety popular is its low-calorie content. If you are “diet conscious,” you can still enjoy a generous portion of cottage cheese with your daily meals, guilt-free. Read and learn more about this underrated dairy gem!
What is Cottage Cheese?
Unlike most cheeses, which need to be aged and cured, cottage cheese is a fresh cheese curd that can even be made at home. This creamy, rich-textured cheese has a mild taste and is often enjoyed as a topping with something more flavourful.
Based on different dietary needs, cottage cheese is made with non-fat, reduced-fat, and full-fat or regular milk to suit all preferences. You may even find cottage cheese with regular or low sodium, lactose-free, or even creamed or whipped, depending on use.
How is Cottage Cheese Made?
You might not know this, but cottage cheese is produced when the milk is curdled. Live or active enzymes are introduced to the milk that convert into lactic acid, essentially curdling the milk and separating the solid and liquid. You can try this at home by adding vinegar or lime juice to warm milk.
This solid curd releases whey, which is then separated to remove the acidity and moisture, and then cream is added to get the cottage cheese. Depending on the fat content of the milk or the enzymes introduced, you can get creamy and rich cottage cheese.
What does Cottage Cheese taste like?
If you were to compare what cottage cheese tastes like, the sweet, mild and creamy cheese would be similar to cream cheese or moisty feta cheese but softer and less salted. The taste of the milk usually determines the flavor profile of the cheese. For instance, low-fat milk produces less creamy cottage cheese, while high-fat milk produces a richer texture of cottage cheese.
How to eat Cottage Cheese
You might wonder if cottage cheese is good for you? The right answer depends on your needs. Cottage cheese is excellent for weight balance and well-liked among athletes for muscle gain. If you try the non-fat version, it can be a good source to lose weight when included in a well-balanced diet. Another important factor is that cottage cheese is also popular for improving bone strength and preventing insulin resistance.
Despite its mild flavor and creamy texture, cottage cheese can have a variety of uses besides just topping it off while baking lasagna or on your healthy salad. Cottage cheese pancakes are a great way to start the day right with a high source of protein that is filling. If you want to minimize the use of carbs in your meal, you could try the cottage cheese flatbread to make your homemade version of a wrap or a protein roll. Try it topped with spices and toppings to make it more appetizing.
There are plenty of ways to get creative with cottage cheese. You can use it as a substitute for this recipe and get a savory pasta dish where cottage cheese melts and blends well. Are you a dog owner? If you're wondering if your dog can eat cottage cheese, the answer is yes, though in small quantities. The prebiotics are good for gut health. However, some animals may have adverse reactions, so it's always helpful to try out a small bite or two to check for safety.
How to Store Cottage Cheese?
Cottage cheese has a shorter lifespan compared to other cheese types. Ideally, it is good practice to refrigerate in an airtight container as soon as you open it. As it’s a fresh cheese, it should be consumed within a maximum of 10 days.
You can freeze the cottage cheese, especially if you have a large quantity and want to enjoy it in small batches. Freezing might alter the texture of the cheese, but it shouldn't matter if you plan to top it off on baked goods.
Cottage cheese is an excellent addition to your diet, depending on your fitness goals. It is packed with protein and high in fat and calcium. If you're looking to manage weight loss or weight gain, then be mindful of the salt intake and the fat intake when consuming the full-fat or low-fat version of cottage cheese.
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