Home / Casu marzu / Casu marzu Q&A: Can Cats Eat Casu Marzu Maggot Infested Cheese?


Can Cats Eat Casu Marzu Maggot Infested Cheese?

If you have a cat and are curious about sharing your Casu Marzu with them, it's best to avoid doing so. 

While some cats may be attracted to the smell of the cheese, it is not a suitable food for them. The maggots present in Casu Marzu can cause digestive issues and potential health problems for cats.

It's essential to provide your feline friend with a balanced and appropriate diet that meets their nutritional needs.

Furthermore, Casu Marzu is a traditional Sardinian cheese that is known for its unique production process. The cheese is left to ferment with live insect larvae, primarily Piophila casei, which helps to break down the fats in the cheese and create a soft texture. While this process is considered a delicacy by some, it can be off-putting to those unfamiliar with this type of food preparation.

Additionally, the consumption of Casu Marzu by humans has raised concerns about food safety and hygiene due to the presence of live maggots in the cheese. In some regions, the sale of Casu Marzu is prohibited due to health regulations and the potential risks associated with consuming food infested with insects. Therefore, it is advisable to exercise caution when considering sharing this unique cheese with your pets, especially considering the potential health implications for your beloved feline companion.

Casu marzu Q & A