Prep: 25 minsCook: 30 mins
Yorskshire Puddings
Initially called Dripping Pudding, the first records of this recipe date back to 1737, and it is undoubtedly one of the most iconic examples of British food.
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250g plain white flour | |
1⁄4 teaspoon salt | |
150ml whole milk | |
150ml cold water | |
4 eggs, beaten | |
2 tablespoons beef dripping, or sunflower oil | |
100g Blue Stilton, crumbled | |
1 tablespoons chopped chives |
- Sift the flour into a large bowl with the salt.
- Combine the milk in a jug with the cold water.
- Make a well in the middle of the flour and add the eggs. Pour in a little milk and water, then whisk the lot together to make a smooth batter. Mix in the rest of the liquid, until you have a batter the consistency of single cream.
- Leave to stand at room temperature for at least 15 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 230ºC, Gas Mark 8.
- Stir the blue cheese and chives into the batter and pour into a jug.
- Put a 12-hole muffin tin, greased liberally with dripping or oil, on a high shelf and leave for 10 minutes to heat up, it should be smoking.
- Carefully remove the tin from the oven and quickly pour in the batter - it should sizzle.
- Return the tin to the oven and cook for 15–20 minutes until well risen and golden. Do not be tempted to open the door until they’re beautifully bronzed and risen, because they will sink.
- Serve immediately as a delicious accompaniment to roast beef.
Recipe kindly supplied by Cropwell Bishop Creamery