Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Country of origin: Middle East
Type: soft
Texture: creamy
Rind: rindless
Colour: white
Flavour: creamy, milky, sour
Aroma: fresh, mild
Synonyms: labaneh, chakka, lebnah, suzma
Alternative spellings: labne
Labneh (also called labaneh, lebnah or labne, suzma, chakka, yoghurt cheese) is a cheese made from salted strained yoghurt by draining its whey. It is also known as strained yoghurt, yoghurt cheese or Greek yoghurt. Traditionally, in Arabian countries and Asian countries, the whey is strained in a paper bag or filter made of muslin. While Labneh is classified as a cheese, it retains the distinctive sour flavour of yoghurt.
Labneh forms a traditional and important ingredient of Middle Eastern and South Asian cuisine. Labneh is eaten both cooked and raw, and it is used in savoury sauces as it does not curdle at high temperatures, unlike regular yoghurt. It is used as a dip for bread and is added to stews and soups. The cheese has to be consumed within a week of its preparation.
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